Monday, December 28, 2009

Appraising 2009 - Preparing for 2010

Dear friends of the West Ashley Minyan,

As 2009 draws to a close, I think everyone will agree that this has been a great year for The Fund and for the minyan. To briefly mention the highlights - The New ChasCom Fund obtained Federal Tax-exempt status, ensuring the means through which we sustain the minyan, and WAM has established a Finance Committee to keep progress on track. WAM had very successful services over the high holidays, with a strong showing of pledges and participation in holiday services.

WAM has nurtured a spirit of warmth, respect and commitment, and has been borne by the willingness of individuals to come forward and assist in any way they can. We are an all-volunteer organization, committed to sustaining an Orthodox minyan in the community setting in Charleston. We at the Fund take pride in supporting a group that provides a family-friendly ambiance and a spirited atmosphere at all their events.

On behalf of the Fund, we wish to thank all those who have supported WAM in 2009, and look forward to your continued support in 2010. As 2009 draws to a close, we would like to do two things:

First, if you have any outstanding pledges, or wish to make last-minute contributions to the New ChasCom Fund, the Fund is committed to including all contributions received by Thursday Dec 31st in the receipts contributors will receive for the 2009 tax-year. These receipts will be mailed in early 2010. A contribution form for this can be found further down this web page.

Second, we wish to ask everyone to renew their pledges for 2010. The WAM Finance Committee has agreed that pledges should be renewed annually, in preparation for each new year.

Please choose a monthly or quarterly pledge that you are comfortable with. Print this page, complete the details below, and mail it in, marked as follows:

"Pledges 2010";
The New ChasCom Fund,
PO Box 80301;
Charleston SC 29416

Thanks again, and best wishes for a happy and healthy new year.

Peter Rosenthal
President of the Board of The New ChasCom Fund

2010 Pledge to WAM: Name:_______________________

Pledge for payment on Monthly [ ] / Quarterly [ ] interval

Pledge amount:
$200 [ ]; $100 [ ]; $75 [ ]; $50 [ ]
$36 [ ]; $18 [ ] other $_____ [ ]
